A domain name is a unique address or identifier on the World Wide Web. One easily recognizable...
What can I do with my domain name?Domain names can be used in a number of ways. You can direct visitors to your website’s home page...
What is a Premium Domain?Premium Domains are highly desirable, privately owned domain names offered at a price higher than...
How do I find out whether the domain name I’m interested in is available?Access Domain Registration webpage. In the "enter domain name" text box, type the domain name you...
How do I search for a Premium Domain?All of our tools for searching regular domain names return Premium Domains alongside the search...
How do I setup email forwarding?You can continue to use your preferred personal email by enabling email forwarding: Go to...
How do I register a domain name?Search for a domain name. When you find a domain name you want that is available, select the...
What is preconfiguration?Preconfiguration is providing contact and organization information that some country registries...
How do I register a domain name that requires preconfiguration?Log in. In the "Register A Domain" text box, type the domain name you want to register. Click...
How do I register a list of domain names?If you already have a list of domain names you want to purchase, and they don’t require...
I have five domain names in my shopping cart awaiting checkout, but there is one name I do not want. Can I delete just that one, or do I have to delete all of them and start over?You can delete just one name. In the row of a domain name item you don’t want, click the X (delete).
How will I know when I gain control of the Premium Domain I’ve purchased?We send you an order confirmation email when we place the Premium Domain in your account.
What if I change my mind, or spell a domain name wrong. Can I get my money back?No, all sales are final, so please double-check before finalizing your purchase.
How do I manage a Premium Domain?Manage a Premium Domain as you would any other domain name.
Is there anything I can do to protect my domain names from hijacking?Yes. We offer Registrar-Lock, which prevents your domain names from being transferred without...
Is there anything I can do to protect my domain names from expiring?Yes. We offer Auto Renew, which renews domain names before they expire. You can set Auto Renew at...