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Whois Lookup FAQs
Use Polnetx’ Whois Lookup to find out the people or organizations behind different domain names. Whois records gives you organized contact data, if available, for domains, including registrant, administrative, and technical contact information. It also provides you with the name of the registrar , the status of the domain, and important dates (e.g., the domain creation date and expiration date).You can’t have a website without a domain name. Like a street address that tells people where you live, a domain helps customers drive directly to your website.
The WHOIS domain database is regularly used for various informative and helpful purposes. Network administrators use Whois data to identify and fix problems. For instance, Whois information can be used to determine the availability of domain names, identify trademark infringement, and keep domain name registrants accountable. Whois verification can even be utilized to combat spam or fraud, as administrators can track down registrants who post illegal content or participate in phishing scams. In addition, ICANN’s agreements protects domain registrants by prohibiting the use of WHOIS listings for marketing or spam purposes, including high-volume, automated queries against a specific registrar or registry’s systems (unless such queries are done with the intent to manage domain names).
Protection against online identity theft.
Reduced domain-related scams and junk mail.
Complete control over your domain registry information.
Order Today: Domain Privacy.
Since registrants’ contact data can change, registrars, must provide annual opportunities for domain owners to review and edit their Whois domain data. According to ICANN’s rules, refusing to update this information, or providing false data, can lead to the suspension or cancellation of domains. In addition, ICANN allows Internet users to file complaints if they discover Whois data that is incorrect or incomplete. In such instances, registrars must reverify or correct the data in a timely manner. Through such verification protocol, ICANN seeks to maintain the highest possible level of accuracy.
While ICANN’s agreements protect registrants from potential spam, many Polnetx customers still express concern about their personal name, address, and phone number being so readily available online. For website owners who would prefer to keep such information private, Polnetx offers Domain Privacy service. We partner to provide you a Domain Privacy product, so that when people do a Whois lookup on your domain, Domain Privacy replaces your personal information with its own (check out the difference). Your domain name is still yours, but now people won’t be able to discover your personal information through a simple Whois search lookup.